Welcome To The “All-New” Synapse Films Website

Welcome to the “All-New” Synapse Films Website!

Hello Friends,

Welcome to our new and improved website for Synapse Films. Our previous website was admittedly getting a little dated (the design was around 10 years old) and during the COVID-19 lockdown, we decided to redesign the site and give our sub-label Impulse Pictures its own website as well.  Also, some folks were a little alarmed that we had our Impulse Pictures product (adult-oriented material) on the Synapse Films site. Now, both Synapse Films and Impulse Pictures are separated onto their own websites. Visit www.impulse-pictures.com to browse those titles, purchase, and check on new Impulse releases. The layout and graphics may be a little different for the two sites, but our shopping cart still uses Paypal to authorize credit cards (Please Note: You do NOT need a Paypal account to buy from us). The new design allows us to do all kinds of things in the future, including discount codes, sales, newsletters, etc. with greater ease, if we choose to do some web promotions in the future. Have a look around and if you find anything weird or incorrect with the sites, please do not hesitate to send us an email and let us know of any functionality issues you may be having!

Thank you so much!

Don May, Jr.

President, Synapse Films, Inc.