Hello Friends,
A lot of you have been emailing us and saying how surprised you are that our THE LIVING DEAD AT MANCHESTER MORGUE Steelbook has arrived in your mailbox so early.
There are a few reasons why this happened. The most important reason is we felt our customers could use a nice surprise during the horrible COVID-19 outbreak. With everyone worried about the pandemic, and the general state of the world we live in now, we felt shipping it early to those that preordered would help bring smiles to some faces and help brighten the darkness a little bit, you know? All the components to put the release together were all in, so we instructed our replicator to start assembling them and shipping them earlier than expected.
Also, because the cases are rising in many states, including California where our replicator is located, we were VERY concerned that there might be another state-wide shutdown coming. With an announced street date of September 1st, if the distributor was shut down because of the pandemic, it would be a terrible blow to us, as well as our fans and customers to not get this out on time. With escalating cases of people infected and the rising death rate in California, we weren’t so sure waiting till closer to the release date to start mailing was a good idea.
If you still need to order one because you were waiting until closer to the street date to get your order in, now is the time! They are currently going out via the United States Postal Service. If you have any questions about your order or last-minute address changes, please email CAV Distributing at: [email protected]